The Emancipated Addict

How to live a freer life. Emancipated Addict was created from the desire to be present and bring information about how to live a freer life.Child Within is not some fad or pop psychology.Child within is the only way to empower ourselves to stop living life in reaction to the past. We have been ignoring history and repeating it for centuries.


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Stagers Dreamwork – our word for dream work
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
St agers Dreamstudy – our word for dream work – helps us see that these needs are nothing to be ashamed of and are not our fault, but th...
Stagers Dreamstudy
– our word for dream work – helps us see that these needs are nothing to be ashamed of and are not our fault, but the fault of our past caretakers, our limited parents, who could not meet them adequately, and sometimes actively stunted them. By owning up to our still-living ancient needs, those anachronistic remnants of our past, we have much less need to pathologies the comparable unmet needs in those we interact with in life. Our own dream analysis helps us see, in the most powerful of ways, just how incredibly similar we are to everyone else on this planet, from the sickest to the healthiest.


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