The Emancipated Addict

How to live a freer life. Emancipated Addict was created from the desire to be present and bring information about how to live a freer life.Child Within is not some fad or pop psychology.Child within is the only way to empower ourselves to stop living life in reaction to the past. We have been ignoring history and repeating it for centuries.


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We wrongly believe we are the centre of our social universe, workplace or family and that how other people are behaving must be a direct reflection of who we are or what we are putting out.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We wrongly believe we are the centre of our social universe, workplace or family and that how other people are behaving must be a direct r...

We wrongly believe we are the centre of our social universe, workplace or family and that how other people are behaving must be a direct reflection of who we are or what we are putting out. We can forget that everyone has their own life going on and however similar they may seem to us, each person is a unique make up of culture, education, nurture, nature, experience and teachings. Sometimes we think that the way someone else is behaving is a projection of who we are instead of being a projection of who they are or what they are going through. We take so many things personally, when we should always remove ourselves from the equation when someone lashes out at us with the intention to ruffle us.

How someone behaves will always say far more about who they are than it ever will about us. We should also remember not to be paranoid and not to overthink situations as we can convince ourselves that other people’s words or actions are connected to us in some way, when often they have nothing to do with us.

As we let go of many things that do us no good, we can have the space and energy to replace those things with things that revitalize, nourish and re-energize us.

Non-attachment and letting go does not necessarily mean detachment. It just means creating healthy boundaries and not placing value on anything that could be taken away or change at any moment. We can still love with full hearts and cherish all that is around us. It is learning the balance between not clinging and grasping onto things and allowing things to just exist without placing expectation on them.

Life is a precious gift and so is everyone that is around us; we should celebrate each and every thing that happens to us and allow it to exist in its own right without placing ownership or conditions on it. We simply need to allow everything and everyone to exist separately in their own entirety. Everything should be a bonus in our lives, not an additive that is required to create the formula for happiness.

Happiness is not “found” and then remains constantly with us. It is something that we need to consciously be aware of moment-to-moment. We just very simply need to live in the present moment, not dwell on the past or cast our minds to the future and appreciate the pure joy, pleasure and happiness that is found by just existing and inhaling and exhaling life, the good and the bad. Life does not need expectations; it will deliver us a series of experiences and we have the complete power to choose to alter our perception in each moment.

Every moment passes. We do not need to cling to any emotion or to harbor or wallow in any feelings that are presented to us. We can simply let the thoughts and feelings come, acknowledge them briefly, and then peacefully and calmly allow them to pass.

Nothing stays the same, everything changes; so when we continuously practice letting go, we can alter and adapt to accept the beauty, magic and excitement in each moment.


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